Friday, June 13, 2008

Photo Friday and More.

I took this picture on Tuesday when I was leaving work. I walked outside and looked up and there it was. I put my lunch bag, water bottle, and purse in the car and pulled out my camera. The sky was just so beautiful. It was one of those summer afternoons where you wonder, "Is it going to rain? Storm? Will it be bad?" None of the above. It did make a great picture, and it's the reason I always carry my digital camera in my purse. You never know when God's going to put on a show like this.
This afternoon I took some tapes upstairs to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer and said words that shocked me: "Tim Russert died." I couldn't believe it. I immediately ran down to the studio to tell the news director. He was floored. There's a very well written story on There's lots of stuff on TV and the Internet about him. Here's my personal feeling about Tim Russert: No one has their finger on the pulse of American politics like Tim Russert. Election season will not be the same without him. I've been watching MSNBC since I got home. Keith Olbermann and Andrea Mitchell have provided personal, insightful, excellent coverage of the career and the man who was their boss. He is portrayed as a teacher, an encourager, a thoughtful friend, a family man, and especially as a respected colleague. Many prominent journalists have teared up recalling this honored broadcaster, author, lawyer, and avid Buffalo Bills fan.
Amidst the sadness tonight, I remembered to bring in my car knitting to take a new picture of my sock. What do you think? I did two rounds of cuff at Taco Bell today at lunch. The cuff is maybe 3/4 of an inch. Sock knitters, here's a question: When you're knitting two socks from a single ball of yarn, how do you know when to bind off the first sock? I'm wondering how far up the cuff should go? If you know, please leave a comment.

Tomorrow night, I'll have pictures of WWKIP Day. I need to go get ready for it. I've got a six pack of bottled water chilling, I need to come up with some snacks. I also need to pick out a project to take along. I know I'll take the sock, but what else? Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your socks. I'm socking too. Can I say that? Well I'm gonna. Just try and stop me.

I wrote about knitting circle and socks and Waffle House and manic energy today, actually.

My socks aren't as cute as yours. :(

It was very sad about Tim, wasn't it? I watched the tributes and cried.
