Friday, July 3, 2009

The Weird Thing about Facebook

The Weird Thing about Facebook is all my worlds collide there. There are people I knew as a teenager in South Carolina, people I went to college with, people I worked with many years ago after moving to Columbus, people I work with now, cousins, people from my knitting group, people from church. All in one place. Someone is going to write something on my wall that's going to offend someone else. I know it's going to happen. It's only a matter of time.


Holly said...

That is why I put off getting a Facebook account for so long!

Dawn H said...

So, are you saying you want me to signup for Facebook so I can post something to get everybody miffed and get it over with?

Actually, my fear is that my friends will offend ME... I wish it didn't post everything, or are there ways to filter?

To Love Endlessly said...

I have friends from a variety of facets of my life too & no one has offended anyone yet. I think most people realize we are all coming from different roads in life. Most people are there to just re-connect and be friendly.

Holly S. said...

You can hide stuff people write. It's just weird that there are people from middle school to work to church to knitting all in this one place. And then you find out some of them know eachother! Yikes!